Couples Counseling
As a marriage and family therapist, I offer effective couples and relationship counseling in San Francisco, and online for anyone in California.
Click here for more info about Open Relationship Counseling
My specialty is working with couples who desire to feel close again, need to regain trust after the crisis of an affair or loss, or need help with a specific issue such as sex, money, parenting or open relationship. We will locate where communication breaks down, explore the underlying issues getting in the way, and emphasize the resources and positive feelings that are sometimes withheld.
You can improve your communication by getting out of the cycle of blaming and learning to acknowledge and share yourself in an effective way.
A satisfying relationship where we feel supported and inspired helps bring out our best, whereas a relationship with distance, criticism, contempt and resentment is toxic to our overall mental and physical health.
I want more couples to know that often 8-10 counseling sessions around a particular topic can make a remarkable difference. As a highly-trained couples therapist, I can help you unlock the underlying patterns that are driving the many surface level complaints. You will have the ability to collaborate together to face challenges more easily, and you will feel proud of the maturity required to stay open and connected while feeling hurt and misunderstood. When couples choose to continue therapy after their immediate goals are met, they may discover an unexpected freedom and joy that can grow from a strong, loving bond.
I’ve seen that many therapists are not adequately trained to help couples. The state of California requires only a single couples therapy class as part of the education requirement for an MFT license. Generally, more training equals more effectiveness.
Couples counseling is my passion and my specialty. I continue to devote much of my professional development to training programs for helping couples, in addition to drawing from my own experience in relationships and couples counseling. I have completed advanced training in two of the highest-regarded couples therapy models. The first is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), which is based on attachment theory and recognized as an empirically-validated couples therapy model. The second is the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. With these tools, I help couples find a balance between creating a strong, secure bond while also valuing each individual’s autonomy.
I also have experience working with a diversity of clients in couples therapy, including transgender, gay, and lesbian couples. My honesty, sincerity and openness is refreshing and helps create feelings of ease and safety. I also have much experience working with couples exploring ethical non-monogamy and polyamory. Overall, I enjoy the dynamics of couples counseling for a wide range of clients and issues because it is beautiful to see the growth experienced by each person and the newly co-created feelings of connection and joy.
Call today for your free consultation to begin the path toward a better relationship.
Couples Resources
Together: Tools for Better Relationships
Podcast and articles about real couples describing how they got through difficult times together
Esther Perel’s Podcast “Where Should We Begin?”
Listen and go behind the scenes in actual couples’ sessions on this excellent podcast
Alison Ash, Ph.D
Amazing sex and intimacy coach and sexual empowerment educator
Jayson Gaddis
Primarily aimed at men, this is a wise, down-to-earth podcast for relationship tools and personal growth.
The Gottman Institute
Provides research-based tools for relationships and also provides training to therapists
The Couples Institute
Menlo Park-based resource providing therapy for couples and training for therapists since 1984
Poly-Friendly Professionals
A list of professionals who have identified themselves as open-minded about polyamory
San Francisco Sex Information
(415) 989-7374
Provides free, confidential, accurate & non-judgmental information about sex